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On reflections, achievements, and anticipations: Our 2023 yearly wrap-up
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On the importance of a great website, continuous growth, and approaching the year end
On better client relationships, using advanced AI solutions, and delivering quality work
On celebrating achievements, preparing for growth, and navigating the future
Navigating the busier season, exploring the boundaries of AI, and more
On managing multiple projects, using AI for business efficiency, making progress, and more
Mid-2023 breakthroughs: Working with AI and the debut of the Mäd AI assistant
On developing an AI strategy, making public sector impact, and more
Navigating remote work, the AI boom, and Mäd's forward momentum
On-the-go in Q1: Our dive into growth, building an expert database, and project insights
Evolving perspectives: Continuous learning and our take on the shifting business scene
Kicking off 2023: Our strategic outlook, upcoming projects, and meaningful work
Looking back, moving forward: A recap of our 2022 journey and exciting developments ahead
Our approach to consulting, working with financial institutions, and strategic roadmaps
On looking forward, the power of small teams, and exploring the local digital banking sector
Q3 in Review: Our reflections on work, life, and launching Work Like Mäd!
Mäd Musings: On 1% improvements, team updates, and exciting projects in the works
On strategic partnerships, adopting a 4-day work week, and a glimpse into our eBook
On enhancing strategies, testing new work arrangements, and exploring future ventures
On digital-first strategies, remote work realities, and boosting digitalization
On redefining digital experiences, insights into the future of tech, and Bloo's growth
On WFH, navigating an evolving landscape, and using design to transform culture
On adapting to the new normal, building new platforms, and growth in a digital-first world
On client success, UX/UI interconnectedness, and creating video insights
Welcoming 2021: On innovations, collaborations, and sustainability
Our 2020 year-end highlights: Shifting domains, new client wins, and book recommendations
On digital transformation, running an agency, and setting up a legal entity
Looking back on our 4-year journey: Reflections, achievements, and future plans
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